There are thousands of diet books published each year on weight loss. You see the late night television infomercials with their pills, equipment and programs. They all promise fast and sometimes incredible weight loss results. The truth is that you can lose weight on any diet, well at least for awhile. The problem is in keeping the weight off. I have come up with my top 10 weight loss tips that if followed will result not only in weight loss but permanent weight loss.
1> Make a list of the reasons why you want to lose weight
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There is a saying "If you don't know where your going then any road will take you there". A goals list helps you focus on your reasons to do it along with what weight you want to be at in the end. Review this list daily to always keep it fresh in your mind of exactly why you are doing it.
2> Cut your calorie intake by at least 500 calories per day
Here is the hidden secret: 3500 calories equals 1 pound. To lose one pound of fat per week your body needs to burn 500 more calories per day then it consumes. If you cut your caloric intake by 250 calories and burn 250 calories exercising per day then you could easily lose weight with these two techniques alone. Cutting just 500 calories a day would result in a 52 lb weight loss in one year.
3> Get at least 7-8 hours sleep each night
Some amazing things happen when you sleep. Your body goes into repair mode and recharges itself. Muscles don't grow when your working out. They grow when you sleep to repair the damage down to the muscle during the workout. I also believe that this is when the miracle of weight loss has it's greatest advantage so don't neglect it.
4> Take a multi vitamin daily
Multi vitamin supplements are needed to help boost your general health. When you gained weight, you were probably not eating the best foods available. It is my opinion that a multi vitamin will help aide your body in processing food better and in muscle development.
5> Limit Sodas to diet and drink more water
This was a very hard one for me but if you can switch to diet or preferably water you can cut an additional 100 or more calories per bottle. For example: If you drank 5 bottles of soda every day and at as usual that would amount to a 3500 calorie deficit per week resulting in a 1 pound weight loss in and all by itself. That would add up to a 52 pound weight loss in one year just by getting rid of the soda pop.
6> Increase natural food intake, reduce processed foods
Natural foods such as vegetables and fruits are for the most part already low calorie choices. Processed foods add tons of sugar and other ingredients that you can't even pronounce. Do your body a favor a stay away from processed foods as much as possible. Processed foods are high calorie, non-nutrient foods for the most part.
7> Exercise at least 3-4 times per week
Depending on several factors such as weight, age, type of exercise and frequency; you can burn several hundred calories in just 30 minutes while at the same time building muscle. Muscle burns more calories thus it's a win - win situation. The more muscle you build the more calories you will burn. Exercising also helps increase your metabolism which is a calorie eater.
8> Keep A Food Diary, Journal Or Blog
Keeping track of what you eat, why you eat and what's going on with your body is important in weight loss success. First, it keeps you focused on your goal. Second, if you stop losing weight then you can review your journal to see if there is something that you are eating or exercise that you are not doing.
9> Find A Weight Loss Partner
Finding another person to help each of you lose weight. It can help greatly in weight loss by keeping you focused on your goals and making you accountable for your weight loss. When things make not be going the way you want they can be a great person for inspiration, advice and a sounding board.
10> Create A Plan And Stick With It
Layout exactly how and what you will eat. There are thousands of diet plans on the market. Everything from "The South Beach Diet, The Zone, Atkins, Weight Watchers, Nutra System, Jenny Craig" etc. The list is endless. Which ever plan you choose - stick with it and plan an end date to achieve your goal. Doctors suggest not to lose more than 2 pounds per week so for example; if you have 50 pounds to lose then your goal would be to reach your weight loss no sooner than 25 weeks from the day you start. It is however very important to have some date in mind to give you something to strive for.
Reward yourself as you lose the weight. Give yourself little gifts along your weight loss journey to reward your efforts. See you lighter, later.
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